Paul Rae's picture


I've been building cusotm images for a while now and have never really come across and issues that I can work around.

However, I've come across an issue that I'm really struggling to work around and hope someone can give me a few pointers.

I need to add nfs support to an appliance I'm building, and am trying to add nfs-kernel-server and nfs-common packages. However as soon as I add either of them i hit issues.

To make things simple I created a patch with just those two packages - same prolem. It always happens at the same point. It doesn't give any error and it always leaves the chroot-proc system mounted. 

I originally throught it was something to do with nfs being running causing the issue, but even when ensuring the service is stopped, I still have the same issues.

At this pointed I'm really stumped and my google foo isn't really helping me either...

The patch file contains:

prae@build test/build$ cat ../tklpatch/leechbox/conf 
#!/bin/bash -ex

# simple nfs test

export HOSTNAME=nfstest
export USERNAME=test
export GROUPNAME=test

# set hostname
echo "$HOSTNAME" > /etc/hostname
sed -i "s| \(.*\)| $HOSTNAME|" /etc/hosts

# create the nzb userid (which all the nzb daemons run as)
groupadd $GROUPNAME
useradd -c "App userid" -d /home/$USERNAME -g $GROUPNAME -m -s /bin/bash "$USERNAME"

# add the python installation tools, sudo and nfs support 
apt-get update
DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get -y \
    -o DPkg::Options::=--force-confdef \
    -o DPkg::Options::=--force-confold \
    install nfs-kernel-server nfs-common

service nfs-kernel-server stop
service nfs-common stop


# done!
Paul Rae's picture

Hmmm not sure how to format a code block.

Conf file can be found here: -

Failled build can be found here: -

Last line in build is:

Removing 'local diversion of /sbin/initctl to /sbin/initctl.distrib'
Paul Rae's picture

Bump. Anyone have any thoughts on this?

I've have a work around that installs it on firstboot. It works, but its less than ideal and relies on their being a internet connection.

I've tried everything i can think of, trying no-triggers and a host of other options but still end up with the same issue.

Has anyone come across anything similar to this?

Jeremy Davis's picture

The only ISO I had handy to patch is the Core v13RC (64 bit) and when I tried to apply your patch (as provided from pastebin above) and the response I got was:

root@core ~# tklpatch-apply turnkey-core-13.0rc-wheezy-amd64.rootfs/ test-patch/
# applying patch test-patch
# executing config script test-patch/conf
chroot: failed to run command `dpkg-divert': Exec format error

I extracted the ISO first using tklpatch-extract-iso.

So it seems that I am having a different issue! No doubt related to trying to patch a 64 bit OS within a 32 bit one... I'll have to find a 32 bit core ISO to patch and try again when I have a chance. In the meantime perhaps you could try doing it command by command within the chroot (tklpatch-chroot)? Then use ps and/or lsof to see what is still running and keeping the chroot locked?

Paul Rae's picture

I'll try walking through things again and do it against one of the RC builds too.

A simple patch file with just:

# add nfs support 
apt-get update
DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get -y \
    -o DPkg::Options::=--force-confdef \
    -o DPkg::Options::=--force-confold \
    install nfs-kernel-server nfs-common

Was enought to generate the error in my testing.

Jeremy Davis's picture

Are you patching Core? If not then perhaps other services (like Apache/MySQL/etc) are starting and because they are not being stopped they are causing the issue? Only guessing....

Paul Rae's picture

I'm pretty sure I tried it against core when I hit issues. I've just downloaded core 13rc and will try it against that.

I was mainly building against the fileserver image. I'm 99% sure its not related to other services, I'm installing / building 5 or 6 other sevices on top of it. They all work fine without issues - it only fails to build as soon as I add nfs support. Likewise just adding nfs on its own causes the same issue.

I need to setup a build env on this laptop - once I've done that I will confirm if same issue persists against core 13rc.


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