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Tim - Fri, 2013/09/27 - 21:47
I'm trying to build my new appliance, but I'm suddenly starting to get errors during the `make` process. Toward the end it fails out with:
touch build/stamps/cdroot
basename: missing operand
Try `basename --help' for more information.
basename: missing operand
Try `basename --help' for more information.
cp build/root.tmp/usr/lib/syslinux/isolinux.bin build/cdroot/isolinux
Up to this point I've been able to build the appliance just fine, this just started happening today.
Modifying common inithooks
I discovered that this may be due to modifying anythink that fab inherits from common (i.e. /overlays/usr/lib/inithooks/firstbood.d/80hub-services)
I'm trying make this step headless by passing the hub-key as a parameter. Whats the best way to accomplish this?
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