Michael T. Durham's picture

I am VERY new to linux and this app.  I hae the FileServer Appliance up and running and I can get to it from my browser jsut fine.  But I have several issues that I need help with.

First, I cannot seem to be able to share or upload files to the system. 

Second, I cannot get to the FTP server over the Internet.

The first problem.  I can login with my broswer choosing the local option and admin.  Here I can cerate usersbut note shares or or directories.  If I login using the samba option and root, I can add directories amd very small files and create shares. I should have over 200GB of disk space so filesize should not be an issue.

When I log in as a user that has only read rights, I cannot find the share I made.

The second problem:  I have setup the dynamic DNS with the HUB and it sees my system.  But I do not get a response when I ping the url but it does show the correct ip address.  How to I access my system from the outside world?

Finally, I am not totally sure if this server will meet my needs.  I need to be able to share FOLDERS not files, and I need to set a access time limit for each user.  I have many users that need access to the same file folders but I want to limit their access to 30 days.  Should they need to access the system again, I can generate a new link and time limit for them.  Speaking of generating links, when I do create a share with the Generate button, it has my local IP address not my public url.

Thank you for your help.



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