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cj - Fri, 2014/03/07 - 04:34
I've setup and deployed the Revision-Control using build "VM" within our domain environment.
How can I get uses to authenticate against active directory using LDAP?
Is there a package I need to install using Webmin?
Has anyone installed openldap on this build?
I'm sure it's doable
But TBH it's well outside the scope of time I can afford to research and discover and test for you sorry...
I'm sure you could install OpenLDAP, although I'm not even sure that would be necessary (you'll obviously need to install some software but full OpenLDAP may be overkill?)
I suggest that you consult google and keep in mind that TKL is Debian under the hood (as of v12.x - v12.x is based on Debian Squeeze/6; v13.x is based on Debian Wheezy/7).
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