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L. Arnold - Tue, 2015/03/03 - 02:29
So, I just tried to migrate from a Backup onto Turnkey Hub. The root System is PostGRESQL. Main is in 32bit, but Turnkey moves to 64 Bit.
I can log in Via WebMin and Webshell to the new Server.
However, POSGRESQL does not start. I cannot find any variables (made sure Amazon Firewall Ports matched ...
I do have OPENERP 7 installed on top of this and the setup for it also moves across. I discovered when I went to start however that POSGRESQL was not running.. Verified that in Webmin.
Failed to start database server :
Starting PostgreSQL 8.4 database server: mainThe PostgreSQL server failed to start. Please check the log output: ... failed! failed!
Could be a Storage issue I suppose but I don't see any errors. Tried this on a Micro Instance and it says I am using 96% of 9.2GB when I login to WebShell.
Any other thoughts on this?
Have you checked the logs?
I am unfamiliar with PostgreSQL but it should have its own log somewhere in /var/log also it may be worth checking some of the other logs too like /var/log/daemon.log - that will often have info about why daemons (i.e. services) didn't start...
Perhaps as part of your troubleshooting process it might be worth doing a restore to a local TKL VM. Then you can at least narrow down the potential issues (i.e. eliminate 32 -> 64 bits; security settings; storage issues; etc).
Right now trying a fresh Hub install then Bam over top
Takes quite a bit longer with a "Restore" from Webwin/WebShell but I am trying that right now. Who knows what the outcome will be.
I know that I can Clone a Local VM, but not the same as running a Restore, I know that. Will try that soon.
Basically been running working systems w/out much time for tests but seemed worth the efforts now.
No reload of Webmin or Webshell (-- issue so far in HubDNS)
Initially I was concerned after TKLBAM that I could not open the Restore from Web Hub. (TKL)
Seems initially it had to do with HUB DYNDNS as when I start w/ the Public IP I then can get there.
Much of my OpenERP module moved over but for some reason not all of it: Not loading Modules for some reason... may have to do with bing used by a different User, but I am not sure.
Both Web (critical) and Magento (in setup critical) are not loading.
Whole OpenERP server hangs.
It does seem to have POSTGRESQL running however this time anyway.
So, why's and wherefores. I better try the Restore to VM as you recomended.
To see what TKLBAM is backing up use --dump
On the server that works you can just dump the backup to a DIR like this:
If you want you can also manually transfer that backup and restore it like this:
Although I have found on occasion the permissions may need some tweaking when backup and restore are done like that...
Not really sure. Seems to be a Python thing
OpenERP was a relatively complicated setup first time around. What is strange now is though the "addon" paths are specified and all there, Python is not finding one of the Addons...
OK, just looked at how the Magento Add on is installed. It is not installed to File, but rather as a Python Package. Not sure why not with the other Python Packages but...
Just ran this again (some reason did not move with TKLBAM)
$ pip install magento
I wonder if other Python packages did not back up.. Will see now...
SEEM to be ACROSS the RUBICON.. (no errors yet anyway)
Freeze this.
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