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Wally Wallman - Fri, 2015/03/20 - 02:12
I have used older versions of Turnkey Linux on 32 bit hardware. Very easy to use for older equipment, however, the new download of the LAMP stack appears to only contain 64bit code. I am installing from the downloaded iso image. Did I miss a switch or setting somewhere that caused it to only have 64bit.
Help would be appreciated...
Go to TKL SourceForge page
Look here:
32 bit are there - look for 'i386' in the filename!
32 bit suppoer
Thanks for the prompt answer. Much appreciated.
Glad to hear you got it sorted.
I will endeavour to see if we can keep providing TKLDev in 32 bit so you can at least build them yourself but I can't promise anything.
If you (and/or another community member) are interested in testing and providing some support for 32 bit builds we may reconsider, but currently we have a severe labour bottleneck. 32 bit builds aren't very popular, so we think our energies could be better spent elsewhere.
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