Frank Imburgio's picture

I have tried numerous times, from both webmin & command line to restore a backup to a freshly created LAMP turnkey install on AWS.

The retore keeps failing with this message. What can be done to workaround?? I need to get to his backup set!

# duplicity --restore-time=2015-07-08T10:52:16 --archive-dir=/var/cache/duplicity --s3-unencrypted-connection s3:// /tmp/tklbam-svnBCz
Local and Remote metadata are synchronized, no sync needed.
Last full backup date: Tue Jul  7 11:04:00 2015
Download s3:// failed (attempt #1, reason: timeout: timed out)
Download s3:// failed (attempt #2, reason: timeout: timed out)
Download s3:// failed (attempt #3, reason: timeout: timed out)
Download s3:// failed (attempt #4, reason: timeout: timed out)
Download s3:// failed (attempt #5, reason: timeout: timed out)
Giving up trying to download s3:// after 5 attempts
BackendException: Error downloading s3://


Frank Imburgio's picture

SOLVED -- even though the error message indicates 'timeout' the problem was due to a DISK FULL.

Specifically, the /tmp volume must be large enough to hold the entire backup!!

Once I re-allocated the partitions by editing /etc/fstab so that the /tmp volume was on a larger drive & rebooting, the process was able to complete.


Jeremy Davis's picture

That error message is very misleading. Good on you for hunting down the issue and thanks so much for posting back.

FWIW I have just posted a bug regarding this on our issue tracker here.

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