Andrew Goldstein's picture

I install the OTRS build on a network server in Hyper-V.  I can reach webmin and everything else but the application is Err_connection_refused.


The apache log is attached.

Any help appreciated.

Jeremy Davis's picture

When did you download this? From what I can gather, your appliance is suffering from a bug that we patched and re-released. But we did that over a month ago now though so it should have replicated across the mirror network long ago (usually takes about 24 hours).

If you check directly on the mirror you should see the following:

turnkey-otrs-14.0-jessie-amd64.iso    2015-10-26 22:44    289M

If you are seeing a different time/date/size then please give me the output of


If instead you'd rather fix what you have; you'll need to manually apply this change to the Apache vhost (and restart Apache). There are also a couple of other issues that we also resolved when we rebuilt; mainly missing dependencies and finally one via cpan.

Andrew Goldstein's picture

It worked. I must have had an old copy.  Thank you so much.

Jeremy Davis's picture

Glad you got it sorted! :)

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