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David Schieber - Mon, 2015/12/14 - 04:34
I'm new to Linux and Turnkey. I installed a TKL Wordpress v13 appliance on a VMware 6.0 platform. I've done some development work on it and provided for some user access to import a Wordpress site. I've setup TKLBAM.
I'd like to upgrade to TKL Wordpress v14 without losing the work I've done on v13. I can't find instructions for how to do that, though I can't imagine they don't exist, and it's probably quite simple. Can someone just point me to them? Thanks!
Hi David
What I would recommend is doing a TKLBAM backup, then create a new v14.0 server and restore your data to that. Once you've done your restore you can fiddle around in your new VM and make sure it all works (and make any adjustments like the Apache site file(s)). If you document any changes you make, then even if you keep working in your old VM then you will know what you need to do when you do your final migration.
Post back if you have issues and I'll try to help you out.
It could be done, but unless there is some specific reason there is no value in doing that. Only more work, increased ongoing maintenance overheads and reduced longer term security...
Ah ok...
IMO unfortunately there is no good way to install a newer version of Apache. As I've discussed (many times on the forums) once you step away from the version installed from Debian you will need to manually do updates and keep a close eye out for security issues that will need patching. You also lose the "rock solid" stability and may need to tweak things to make them work everytime you update. That is because generally upstream and/or third parties do not usually provide backported security updates. So you actually need to update versions each time you update. That may well bring new features, but will also no doubt from time to time bring regressions or changes that require configuration adjustments.
Personally, if I were you my preferences (from most preferred to least preferred) would run like this:
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