Edysefer's picture

Ola boa noite, sou novo no forum se estou postando no local errado peço desculpas. O Titulo ja diz oque preciso mas irei exlicar.

Tenho em casa uma maquina com o TurnKey GNU/Linux WordPress, instalado nela, Tem 2 Duvidas.

1ª - Como altero a URL do Site e do blog para o meu dominio que tenho hospedado na Hostinger.

Oque fiz pra resolver

Vi diversos topicos ensinando a alterar o wp-config via FTP, alterar o banco de dados MySQL siteurl e home, editar arquivo functions do tema utilizado e mesmo efetuando estes procedimentos não funcionou.

Fiz um redirecionamento no meu dominio quando acessado para ir pro meu site que por sua vez estar pelo IP da minha rede, Uso DHCP.
Ex; Para acessar meu blo tenho que digitar o IP que pega na rede no casohttp:// - queria alterar esse endereço para o do meu subdominio hospedado na hostinger que é meu.subdominio.net.br, na rede interna consigo o redirecionamento mas na externa não.

2ª Como configuro o acesso externo para o meu site depois de mudar o endereço de IP para o Dominio.

Ja fiz a configuração das portas no modem mas mesmo assim sem sucesso.

Novamente peço desculpas se postei no local errado, e espero a ajuda de voces que possuem mais conhecimento para me auxiliar nesse processo.

Jeremy Davis's picture

I understand that English may not be a good option for you; but Portugese (assuming Google Translate is right) is no good for me...! :)

FWIW here is what Google Translate turned your post into:

Good night Hello, I am new to the forum if I am posting in the wrong place ask apologies. The Title WHAT already said but I will need exlicar.

I have at home a machine with TurnKey GNU / Linux WordPress installed in it, Doubts have two.

1st - How do you change the URL of the website and blog to my domain I have staying in Hostinger.

What did I did to solve

I saw many topics teaching to change the wp-config via FTP, change the bank siteurl of MySQL and home, edit functions file used theme and even performing these procedures did not work out.

I did a redirect in my domain when accessed to go to my site which in turn be the IP of my network, DHCP Use. Ex; To access my blo have to enter the IP network that takes in casohttp: // [1] - wanted to change this address for my subdomain hosted in hostinger which is meu.subdominio.net.br in network with internal redirection but not on the outside.

2nd How do you configure external access to my website after change IP address for the Domain.

I have done the configuration of ports on the modem but still to no avail.

Again I apologize if I posted in the wrong place, and I hope to help you who have more knowledge to assist me in this proces

Jeremy Davis's picture

So you want your local TurnKey WordPress instance to be accessable from the internet via a proper registered FQDN?

Assuming that I understand correctly, then there are a few parts to getting this working.

1) You'll either need a static IP for your home internet; or a dynamic DNS updater (that will update your DNS entries when your IP changes). You'll need to configure your FQDN to point to your static IP (or configure your domain name via a dynamic DNS provider; that will also require installing an agent on your LAN that can force updates to the DNS entries).

2) Assuming that you have a router that uses NAT to access the internet; then you'll need to forward the ports that you want to use via the public internet. For your WordPress server, probably this will be just 80 and 443 (http & https). All routers do this differently so I can't really give you much advice on that...

Once you have all that done it should just work. You can test by getting one of your friends to use their web browser to go to your domain. If it's not working, then to help troubleshoot, get then to also browse to your (external) static IP. You could also do it yourself from outside your LAN.

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