Alirio Yepes's picture

i install the use image ISO, i execute step for step.

the first boot,  write the data for domain.  and password, etc. etc.  all setps not error.

i not can join the computer windows 7/xp to domain.

i change dns in pc windows. for IP the domain controller.

i not found how to test in server domain.  how to others links manual.

the smbclient not found,  exist other command for test?

smbclient -L localhost -U%
Domain=[SMBTEST] OS=[Unix] Server=[Samba 4.2.0pre1-GIT-30e5a5c]

    Sharename       Type      Comment
    ---------       ----      ---
    netlogon        Disk      
    sysvol          Disk      
    IPC$            IPC       IPC Service (Samba 4.2.0pre1-GIT-30e5a5c)
Domain=[RECTORADO] OS=[Unix] Server=[Samba 4.2.0pre1-GIT-30e5a5c]

    Server               Comment
    ---------            -------

    Workgroup            Master
    ---------            -------

please help me, i like use appliance. because  include tools and other all aplications, 


I install paket

apt-get install smbclient

the next step execute command line.

smbclient -L localhost -U%

the messages error

Last login: Wed May 25 20:53:04 2016
root@dc1 ~# smbclient -L localhost -U%
session setup failed: NT_STATUS_OBJECT_NAME_NOT_FOUND


Jeremy Davis's picture

But when I first updated the appliance I did have issues joining a Windows7 Ultimate desktop to the domain. Like you I had added the Domain Controller as the DNS provider. My problem ended up being time. I adjusted the time on my server to the local timezone and updated the time on my Win7 desktop and it joined fine. If the time isn't the same then you will keep getting an authentication error.

As for the smbclient issues, TBH I didn't use that so I'm not sure why that isn't working as you'd expect.

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