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Charlie Mopps - Thu, 2016/09/15 - 03:19
I've installed the latest version of Turkey OpenVPN. It installs fine and I can use the command line to generate clients. But when I got into Webmin there is no mention of OpenVPN anywhere. There is no controll panel or configuration settings. Am I missing something? Isn't there supposed to be a nice webgui?
Hi Charlie
There are a few different third party ones that I have found over the years (including a Webmin module), but they all appear to be abandonware (i.e. software that is no longer maintained) so we are not keen to include them out of the box in case they have undocumented vulnerabilities. FWIW they are all listed on the OpenVPN wiki although it seems pretty out of date.
I have had a report from at least one user that the Webmin module works fine. I suspect that as it's within Webmin it should be relatively safe, even though it hasn't been updated for years (2013 was last release).
With the helper scripts we provide you shouldn't need a UI, but I know that it's often nice. Regardless, please let us know how you go.
I'm very confused. What's
I'm very confused. What's this a picture of?
I guess I should just go use a firewall distro? It seems like such overkill. I don't want to be dealing with command line for any of this.
Great question!
I've just had a quick scan through the TurnKey OpenVPN docs and I'm pretty sure that is a screenshot of what you see if you browse to an "expiring obfuscated HTTPS links can be created for clients to download their profiles (especially useful with mobile devices using a QR code scanner)."
IIRC you use the (commandline) helper script to generate the profile and either download the .ovpn (OpenVPN profile) file, or use the URL (displayed on commandline) to access the QR code (as shown in screenshot).
If you have suggestions on improving the docs to make it more intuitive, I'd love to hear!
Can you please elaborate on how you came to that conclusion?
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