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MHSWA - Fri, 2020/04/10 - 11:44
Is there anyway to get PHP7.2 working on the Lamp appliance? im trying to install something with composer and it's min requirement is PHP7.2
i saw this post but is it still relevent, and if installed this way will i be able to set the variables for the ini via the GUI?
Hi there
Essentially that post is still relevant. Although we're further behind schedule that I had hoped... I still hope to have a next major version released ASAP (days?! - but I've been saying that for weeks...), but the current servers are still supported including support for PHP 7.0.
If you need a later version of PHP and can't afford to wait, then you can upgrade PHP by following Jose's handy tutorial. That will actually upgrade you to PHP 7.3, but if the software you want to use is compatible with that, it's probably advisable at this point (rather than PHP 7.2).
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