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Submitted by Guest on Mon, 2017/03/13 - 17:35
Hi All,
I am using TurnKey Redmine version 14.0.
I like to upgrade to the latest version (which I believe is version 14.1) on the same machine.
Is there documentation or description available how to do this?
Hi Gerard
Alternatively you could use TKLBAM to migrate your existing install
But that won't update the included Redmine version itself. You'll still need to do that manually. Although, from what I've read, it should be fairly straight forward. The Redmine upgrade instructions are here.
The only thing worth double checking is that you have a sufficient Rails version. Ruby itself should be fine as Debian Jessie has Ruby 2.1.5 and according to the requirements it supports 1.9.33, 2.0.02, 2.1, 2.21 & 2.3. AFAIK, our appliance has Rails v4.2 installed via gem (Ruby package manager) so you should be good there too (Redmine requires Rails v4.2). So it should (at least in theory) be pretty straight forward.
When you get to Step 3, follow Option 1 (download). Otherwise, it should be just a case of following the instructions...
I'm not a big fan of doing this sort of thing on a production server (just in case something goes wrong), so personally I'd use TKLBAM to migrate your existing install to a VM. Then upgrade Redmine. Please note, that even if you do migrate your data to the newer version, you'll still need to upgrade Redmine. This is for 2 reasons.
First is that Redmine will still be out of date in the latest TurnKey version (it was released quite a while ago, we're not too far away from the v14.2 release). Second, is that your backup actually includes all the Redmin software as well. So even if you were restoring to the very latest version (with the latest version of Redmine pre-installed) it would overwrite that with your data (including the Redmine software).
So personally how I'd do this as as follows:
Please be aware, that if you choose option 2; any changes to the production server between your most recent backup (that you transferred to the VM server) and when you restore, will be lost!
Also IMO this demonstrates, the value of using VMs in production. If you were using some sort of hypervisor (even if it only has one VM running on it) then you could simply decommission your production server and keep the new VM (rather than having to go back and repeat yourself).
I hope that helps.
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