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Ken Robinson - Sun, 2021/08/22 - 19:43
Issues restoring from Mayan EDMS TKLBAM backup.
Source - TKL Mayan EDMS v16.1 upgraded to Mayan v4.0.15 backed up using TKLBAM
Restore - Clean install of v16.1 - then updated security updates then did restore
Mayan looks like it's running the newest version, but it seems maybe the database was not restored down correctly. When looking over the logs it seems during the database restore it was not very happy and had a lot of errors. So I am thinking this is the issue. I did a quick check it seems the files are all there just the database.
Things to try:
I am going to try an do an update/upgrade to try and get the system as close to the backup, also I may drop the database to see if that helps.
Testing setup
Update, I created a test env in proxmox and setup three snapshots.
1. Base Install (v16.1) with secerity updates
2. Same as 1, did apt upgrade
3. Same as 2, upgraded Mayan to v4.0.15
I just did a test restore at snapshot 3, but before I did I dropped the mayan database. This worked!
I will test the other two options with also dropping the database and I will post results
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