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duffy duck - Wed, 2019/02/06 - 17:04
hi, can someone point me to the download directory for the openvpn image? Error: not a legal filename 'turnkey-openvpn-15.0-stretch-amd64-openstack.qcow2'
hi, can someone point me to the download directory for the openvpn image? Error: not a legal filename 'turnkey-openvpn-15.0-stretch-amd64-openstack.qcow2'
Unfortunately it's a known issue. :(
We did have a PHP expert who was going to have a look at that and work out what the issue is. But unfortunately he's MIA. As noted on the issue on our tracker, I have adjusted the code and to my PHP novice eye the reg ex that I used should work (but obviously it doesn't).
I'll circle back around to this ASAP. In the meantime, the workaround is to download the desired OpenStack image directly from the mirror.
Also, here is the direct link for the v15.0 OpenVPN OpenStack image, and here is the hash file.
Please note though, that there will be an updated image coming soon (probably mid next week). It will include some improvements to default settings (such as a longer default expiry of the CRL - currently set to 30 days). If you would like further details, please feel free to ask.
thanks for the detailed
thanks for the detailed explanation. I downloaded and imported the image from the mirror.
I expected some kind of installation process (network config, username/password etc.), but instead it ends on the linux logon screen. going through the docs I can`t find user/passwords to log on.
is there a default user I didn`t find in the docs or is the image somehow wrong?
Yes, there should be an interactive initialisation process
Unfortunately, I don't have access to OpenStack, so can't really explicitly guide you. I have spoken relatively recently with a hosting provider who is using OpenStack who didn't note any issues (stated that everything works) but didn't provide any explicit feedback, so I'm not really sure what might be going on for you.
Unless you preseed the passwords etc, on boot, it should initially lock itself down (as per all our builds intended for headless use) and generate a random root password which should be displayed in the system log.
FWIW I use our headless builds myself on Proxmox (LXC containers) and Proxmox/LXC provides a mechanism for setting the root password and/or adding an SSH key prior to launch. TBH, I always assumed that OpenStack provided some mechanism to do something similar (i.e. set root password and/or provide a public SSH key). Although as I say I'm unfamiliar with OpenStack, so perhaps that is not the case?!
If not, then I suggest that you check the logs to see if you can see what the random password was set to. It should be fairly clear. You can then log in with the random root password and as part of the initialisation process, you will be promoted to (re)set a root password.
Alternatively, you could mount the .qcow2 image and insert a pre-seeds file (/etc/inithooks.conf) as documented (about halfway down the page).
I hope that helps.
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