The Hub provides basic IAMs role setup instructions. This page provides a more detailed "step by step" walkthough, including screenshots.

Important: The ExternalID value should remain secret! Do not share your ExternalID with anyone, for any reason.

A number of example values have been used in the screenshots below. The values highlighted must be changed to those displayed on Hub's AWS setup page. The AWS IAMs role and CloudFormation stack names can be customized if desired (as they have here), but unless you have need to, it is recommended that you use the defaults provided by the Hub - turnkeyhub and turnkeyhub-iamrole respectively.

The Hub "welcome/setup page":

Step 1

A) Launch the turnkeyhub-iamrole stack, and click Next.

Click the text link and should see this page:

As noted, click "Next" (Orange button - highlighted in screenshot).

B) In the parameters section, insert the External Id: <YOUR_EXTERNAL_ID_HERE>, and click Next.

Note: copy your "External Id" from the Hub page (it's in yellow text - see the top screenshot on this page for reference) and paste into the relevant box highlighted in screenshot below). Yours will be different to mine - use yours; not mine! (also keep this private).

As noted, click "Next" (Orange button - highlighted in screenshot).

C) In the options section, click Next.

Scroll to the bottom of the page.

And click "Next" (Orange button - highlighted in screenshot below).

D) Check the I acknowledge that AWS CloudFormation might create IAM resources, and click Create.

Again, scroll to the bottom of the page.

Click in the box next to "I acknowledge ..." (highlighted with arrow in screenshot below) and then click the "Create stack" button" (Orange button - highlighted in the screenshot below).

Step 2: Register the Role ARN with the Hub

Click the refresh button (circular arrow icon; as highlighted in screenshot below)

If need be, re-click the refresh button until you see the process has completed. You should see something like this:

A) Click on the Output[s] section in cloudformation stack so it unfolds [tab]

The "Outputs" tab is highlighted in the screenshot below; as is the ARN that you need to copy/paste back into the Hub in the next step.

B) Copy/paste the IAM Role ARN into the form below, and click Submit Authorization.

Copy the ARN from AWS page (as highlighted in above screenshot) back into the relevant box within the Hub (as noted in screenshot below).

Then click the "Submit Authorization" button (as highlighted in screenshot above).

AWS setup should now be complete!

Final note: DO NOT delete the turnkeyhub-iamrole stack as this will also delete the IAMs role!

More TurnKey Hub documentation: