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Appliance category: 


Crowdsourcing Crisis Information

Ushahidi (Swahili for "testimony" or "witness") is a crowdsourcing application created in the aftermath of Kenya's disputed 2007 presidential election that enables local observers to submit reports using their mobile phones or the internet, while simultaneously creating a temporal and geospatial archive of events.

Appliance category: 


PHP Web Framework

Symfony is a web application framework written in PHP which follows the model-view-controller (MVC) paradigm. It provides an architecture, components and tools for developers to build complex web applications faster by minimizing repetitive coding tasks.

Drupal 10

Content Management Framework

Drupal is an open source content management platform licensed under the GPL. Equipped with a powerful blend of features, Drupal can support a variety of websites ranging from personal blogs, corporate brochures and large community-driven websites. This appliance includes Drupal v10.x.

Stable version: 18.0 (changelog)

This appliance includes all the standard features in TurnKey Core, and on top of that:

Appliance category: 

Joomla 4

Mobile-ready user-friendly content management

Joomla! is an award-winning Content Management System (CMS) for building websites as well as a Model-view-controller (MVC) Web Application Development framework. Features include page caching to improve performance, RSS feeds, printable versions of pages, news flashes, blogs, polls, website searching, and language internationalization.

This appliance includes all the standard features in TurnKey Core, and on top of that:


Content Management System

ProcessWire is a free content management system (CMS) and framework (CMF) built to save you time and work the way you do. With all custom fields, a secure foundation, proven scalability and performance, ProcessWire connects all of your content seamlessly, making your job fast, easy and fun. Extendable with custom developed plugins, or search the available third party ProcessWire modules

Appliance category: 


Simple & Free Wiki Software

BookStack is a simple, self-hosted, easy-to-use platform for organising and storing information. It includes a simple WYSIWYG interface or optional markdown editor with live-preview. BookStack is built using PHP (Laravel framework), backed by a MySQL/MariaDB database. The content is fully searchable and includes cross-linking ability, page revisions and image management.

BookStack includes all the standard features in TurnKey Core, and on top of that:

Snipe IT

Open Source Asset Management

Snipe IT provides a powerful, user friendly asset management system, which your team will love to use. It was designed to enable IT departments big or small to track who has what hardware, when it was purchased, which software licenses apply to it and what accessories are available, and so on.


Project Management System

Leantime is a lean, open source project management system for startups and innovators. It's written in PHP, Javascript; backed by a MySQL (MariaDB) database. Designed to help you manage your projects from ideation to delivery.

Appliance category: 

Invoice Ninja

Open Source Invoicing

Invoice Ninja provides a platform for invoicing, quotes, expenses & time-tracking. It is built on top of Laravel; a well known and highly respected PHP framework, backed by MySQL.

Appliance category: 

Faveo Helpdesk

Open Source Helpdesk & Support Ticketing

Faveo Helpdesk is an automated Helpdesk system to allow you to manage customer support. It is built on the popular Laravel PHP framework. The TurnKey appliance includes the open source Community Edition, but the Faveo developers also offer a number of paid versions (hosted or self hosted).
