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Magento 2

Flexible Shopping Store eCommerce Platform

Please note: TurnKey Magento is not currently available from the TurnKey software appliance library.

The TurnKey Linux Magento appliance has been discontinued (hopefully temporarily) due to some issues that we had with a previous release. Resolving the issue was soaking up too many TKL resources so development has been put on hold until further notice. Unfortunately, due to internal resource limitations and other priorities, there is no ETA of when it may be available again. Thank you for your understanding.

We warmly welcome any community contributions to assist us to get the Magento appliance available again.

In the meantime, please check out some our other Ecommerce and Content Management System appliances.

Until further notice, this page remains available for informational purposes only.

Appliance category: 


Documentation Wiki Platform

DokuWiki is wiki software aimed at small companies documentation needs. It works on plain text files and thus needs no database. It has a simple but powerful syntax (similar to the one used by MediaWiki) which makes sure the data files remain readable outside the wiki and eases the creation of structured texts.


Workflow & BPM software

ProcessMaker helps business analysts improve workflow performance by discovering and analyzing process inefficiencies and bottlenecks. Automated notifications and an intuitive drag-and-drop web interface allow users to easily interact with your form-driven processes. Managers receive KPIs and metrics from reports and dashboards.

Appliance category: 


CRM for the world

SuiteCRM is a free and open source alternative customer relationship management (CRM) to Salesforce, Dynamics and other proprietary software. Feature rich, powerful, flexible and user-friendly, it is one of the most popular CRM applications globally.

Appliance category: 


PHP Framework for Web Artisans

Laravel is a web application framework with expressive, elegant syntax. We believe development must be an enjoyable, creative experience to be truly fulfilling. Laravel attempts to take the pain out of development by easing common tasks used in the majority of web projects, such as authentication, routing, sessions, and caching.

Appliance category: 


Web application framework

CodeIgniter is a powerful PHP framework with a small footprint and exceptional performance, built for PHP coders who need a simple and elegant toolkit to create full-featured web applications in the real world of shared hosting accounts and clients with deadlines.

Appliance category: 


Enterprise CMS

TYPO3 CMS is an enterprise-class, Open Source CMS (Content Management System) with a vast international community of developers and supporters. It's used to build and manage websites of all types, from small sites for non-profits to multilingual enterprise solutions for large corporations.

Appliance category: 


Community Forum Solution

phpBB is used by millions, making it the most used Open Source forum solution in the world. phpBB incorporates a professional-quality modular design, high security, multiple-language interface and an extensive administration panel, which allows the customization of even the most intricate features.

Appliance category: 


Content management system

b2evolution is a multi-lingual, multi-user, multi-blog publishing system written in PHP and backed by a MySQL database. It allows you to run your own blogs, newsfeeds or even photo streams. It does basically the same thing blogger or typepad does, but runs on your own server.

Appliance category: 


Forum system

SimpleMachines provides an easy to use forum with many powerful features for you as well as your users. It features a powerful Package Manager, allowing you to quickly apply any of the hundreds of modifications in our database, as well as a variety of custom themes that change the way your site looks.
