Appliance category: 


Crowdsourcing Crisis Information

Ushahidi (Swahili for "testimony" or "witness") is a crowdsourcing application created in the aftermath of Kenya's disputed 2007 presidential election that enables local observers to submit reports using their mobile phones or the internet, while simultaneously creating a temporal and geospatial archive of events.

This appliance includes all the standard features in TurnKey Core, and on top of that:

  • Ushahidi configurations:
    • Installed from upstream source code to /var/www/ushahidi
  • SSL support out of the box.
  • Adminer administration frontend for MySQL (listening on port 12322 - uses SSL).
  • Postfix MTA (bound to localhost) to allow sending of email (e.g., password recovery).
  • Webmin modules for configuring Apache2, PHP, MySQL and Postfix.

Usage details & Logging in for Administration

No default passwords: For security reasons there are no default passwords. All passwords are set at system initialization time.

Ignore SSL browser warning: browsers don't like self-signed SSL certificates, but this is the only kind that can be generated automatically without paying a commercial Certificate Authority.

Username for ushahidi:

Login as username is email set on first boot

Web - point your browser at either:

  1. - not encrypted so no browser warning
  2. - encrypted with self-signed SSL certificate

Username for database administration:

Login as MySQL username root at

  1. - Adminer database management web app
  2. MySQL command line tool:
    $ mysql --user root --password
    Enter password:
    Welcome to the MySQL monitor.  Commands end with ; or \g.
    Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the current input statement.

Username for OS system administration:

Login as root except on AWS marketplace which uses username admin.

  1. Point your browser to:
  2. Login with SSH client:
    ssh root@

    Special case for AWS marketplace:

    ssh admin@

* Replace with a valid IP or hostname.