likelii admin's picture


I am having trouble running tklbam-backup due to a BackupArchive.NotFound problem for turnkey-zimbra-2009.10-hardy-x86

this is the first time I'm using the TurnkeyHub and the backup process. I have set up my account, linked it to my amazon account for the cloud storage and I have also run tklbam-init with the key provided to me from the Hub.

I thought all I had to type at that point was tklbam-backup and it would be smooth sailing, but instead this is what I got:

root@zimbra:~# tklbam-backup 
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/bin/tklbam-backup", line 266, in <module>
  File "/usr/bin/tklbam-backup", line 195, in main
    conf.profile = get_profile(hb)
  File "/usr/bin/tklbam-backup", line 122, in get_profile
    new_profile = hb.get_new_profile(turnkey_version, profile_timestamp)
  File "/usr/lib/tklbam/", line 205, in get_new_profile
    response = self._api('GET', 'archive/timestamp/', attrs)
  File "/usr/lib/tklbam/", line 183, in _api
    return API.request(method, self.API_URL + uri, attrs, headers)
  File "/usr/lib/tklbam/", line 127, in request
    raise Error(c.response_code, name, description)
hub.Error: (404, 'BackupArchive.NotFound', 'Backup profile archive not found: turnkey-zimbra-2009.10-hardy-x86')

Is there something that I can do about it, or am I just using a VM that is not supported by the backup service?

For the record, I am using the zimbra appliance, the very one that is featured on your home page.

One thing that I find suspicious is that the backup is looking for the following profile name:


whereas when I download the appliance, the filename is really


Is that something that I should fix (how?)

Really looking for any insight that anyone could provide :)   Thanks!

Jeremy Davis's picture

From the TKLBAM FAQ:

Which TurnKey appliances are supported?
All except Zimbra and the PostgreSQL based appliances (PostgreSQL, LAPP, OpenBravo). PostgreSQL support is in the works but it's not ready yet.

So unfortunately at this time Zimbra backup using TKLBAM is not supported OOTB. But if you are willing to spend a little time and effort then backup using TKLBAM is still possible, just will take a bit more work... This thread should get you started. Be great if you could post back if you get it working.

likelii admin's picture

Ah... thanks! Sorry to have wasted your time.

I should have read all the docs.

I'll definitely test out the thread and post back any successes ... or failures!

Jeremy Davis's picture

Now worries.

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