Guest's picture


  this is a very interesting project...

   possibly even better than bitnami


    i am very frustrated with the live cds...

  in my opinion .. (since i am not a newbie linux user )


    there should be a better designed installation ....

   of course i am very sure  (since i have downloaded and installed very many linux distros )

   there are those who prefer to go the arch linux way...  (my somewhat boring joke towards

      non-gui installers... )

    for example .. the current ubuntu 9 or moonOS installers are very useful and very efficient

    for what they do ...


    using a non-gui installer .. is acceptable to me IF it works...


     i used gparted from moonOS  and created several partitions ..

    so that i could install and setup various turnkey appliances ...

    a 5gb partition should be enough right? 

      however, when i enter the partition section

   i choose manual .. then i selected on of the smaller partitions

    told it to use it .. as /   ext3  

     and then tried to click on done...

but this will only recycle through every step again...


     obviously i am doing something wrong .. or i will repeat my boring joke

     about non-gui installers.. .  

   if your Turnkey website is only designed for geeks or those who really enjoy non-gui installers

  may i suggest that your Market is very narrowly focused?

    as far as i can notice... the entire iso files range from 130mb to less than 300mb ...

  there is a reason for my very strong interest in Turnkey appliances...


   i am trying to slim down ubuntu or build up puppy linux .. or wait for slitaz

    to make their own re-mastering solution work better...


     i would like to be able to have a localhost situation ...

    as an EFL teacher in asia.. it would be very ideal to be able to have

    Drupal, Wordpress, Mediawiki and so on .. .

     running from a live cd .. .using a usb flash drive as a way of saving changes or data...

     if i use moonOS 3 which i can .. the challenge with this approach is that

    a learner or user can then click on many icons ...

      i tried Tinycore.. but i think it is not ready yet for my project as well


     bitnami works very well .. in both XP or Linux ..

      i am using several notebooks.. or most of the computers in my classroom

    are not new and certainly do not have enough RAM memory to run VM appliances

      (well i have not actually tested it out .. most of them have at least 512mb

      but i recently tried to run something in a virtual manner and the speed is very very slow...)


    i am very enthusiastic for your really gracious offering of these appliances to use...

       i would then like to try this ..

     setting up enough partitions in order to install them ...

         but for my current mood.. the debian live installer is really frustrating to use...

     of course i have been in enough linux forums to have replies or responses ..

     that this frustration is "my problem"  and IF i cannot understand how to use it

      then find someone to hold my hand... inane, cocky, BS like this certainly creates

     very poor communication within Linux forums .. not to mention .. making people

     think Linux users are just geeky nerds..

            so please keep up this fantastic superb resource available for many people


    however, you might consider bundling your live iso with a gui interface

      like Mepis, Ubuntu, moonOS, Mint, Antix and so on ...



Alon Swartz's picture

Firstly, sorry for delayed response.

Please differentiate between a desktop installation (mepis, ubuntu-desktop, mint, etc.) and server installations. Servers should not require a GUI frontend, as it just adds complexity and bloat. Servers should be slim and streamlined.

I think your beef is with the problem you came across, which might be a bug. I will try and replicate the issue and update this thread.

Regarding your note on re-mastering, you might want to take a look at TKLPatch, a simple appliance customization mechanism.

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