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Submitted by Guest on Sat, 2012/04/21 - 21:34
We have purchased an instance of Bugzilla from Turnkey AWS MarketPlace at
The instance has been setup and we can access the "Bugzilla - Main Page" but are unable to login with the default username and password admin/turnkey as supplied by the page at the success of deployment. We are able to login to the webadmin page as instructed in the same document.
We have recieved the confirmation email.
Please advise as to the correct initial login and password.
Default credentials, turnkey-init
The AWS marketplace default creds need to be updated, as the default bugzilla username is an email address ( For more info, see the appliance page.
You can change set a new username (ie. email), password by executing 'turnkey-init' at the shell as root, which will reinitialize the appliance with interactive prompts.
BTW, deploying appliances via the TurnKey Hub in Amazon EC2 allow for preseeding, so running 'turnkey-init' is not required.
Default credentials...
The default credentials are listed on the bottom of each appliance page on the TurnKey website. From the TurnKey BugZilla page:
So you probably want to try as the username instead of admin. To set the password I recommend running this command line after you login via SSH/Webshell:
PS: Sorry for the confusion, the Amazon Marketplace is brand new and there may be areas where we can still improve the user experience.
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