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L. Arnold - Sun, 2014/04/06 - 20:59
The posting is generated in: conf.d/main by the following line:
This posting seems to be hitting a part of the Database that is not there. I am going to comment out this and the next few lines (very bottom of /conf.d/main ) so that I can at least see the data (if it is made). I am a bit concerned that I have a few errors that went past reading:
"Class InstallationControllerSetup.saveconfig not found+ curl -c /tmp/cookie -b /.... (can't read from there)
(very bottom of /conf.d/main ) follows
# create welcome post$MYSQL_BATCH --database=$DB_NAME --execute "INSERT INTO ${DB_PREFIX}content VALUES ('1', '35', 'Welcome to TurnKey Joomla', 'welcome', '', '<h2>Getting started</h2><p></p><ul><li>Log into the <a href=\"administrator\">administration console</a> as <strong>admin</strong></li> <li>Refer to the <a href=\"\">TurnKey Joomla release notes</a></li><li>Refer to the <a href=\"\">Joomla documentation</a></li></ul><p></p>', '', '1', '0', '0', '2', '2010-01-01 00:00:00', '42', '', '2010-01-01 00:00:00', '0', '0', '2010-01-01 00:00:00', '2010-01-01 00:00:00', '2020-01-01 00:00:00', '', '', '{\"show_title\":\"\",\"link_titles\":\"\",\"show_intro\":\"\",\"show_category\":\"\",\"link_category\":\"\",\"show_parent_category\":\"\",\"link_parent_category\":\"\",\"show_author\":\"\",\"link_author\":\"\",\"show_create_date\":\"\",\"show_modify_date\":\"\",\"show_publish_date\":\"\",\"show_item_navigation\":\"\",\"show_icons\":\"\",\"show_print_icon\":\"\",\"show_email_icon\":\"\",\"show_vote\":\"\",\"show_hits\":\"\",\"show_noauth\":\"\",\"alternative_readmore\":\"\",\"article_layout\":\"\"}', '1', '0', '1', '', '', '1', '0', '', '1', '*', '');"
Seems not to be creating or seeing the MySQL tables
(response was on separate Forum post, not Blog Post).
Code to instigate:
This is my error now that I commented out "#create welcome post" entries in conf.d/main
error is at the bottom of course
Seems like the issues is earlier "Can't connect to local MySQL"
This is further up the Make Chain before final failure:
unable to connecto mysql server.
error encountered creating user:
non interactive fail
ignoring errors from here forwards:
Joomla 2.5 (github/turnkey-apps/joomla25) doesnt build either
Could someone can try Joomla25 build with TKLDEV. It won't build for me as my own Joomla32 (based on Joomla25). Same Error as above.
My Joomla32 gets that far if I comment out the "#create welcome post" in conf.d/main.
It fails before that otherwise so there is some variance in what is happening, but still not able to build.
Seems Like I have all dependencies into TKLDEV and I did run
apt-get update
then Restarted just to be sure.
any and all help is appreciated.
thank you,
Trying Posgresql as a TKLDEV test (FAILED)
Since No MYSQL would be included.. testing Posgresql (as I would use it for my next project anyway). I am pretty sure I covered all the post install requirements in the TKLDEV build... Must be an Issue there however.
Variables that I can find reviewing the docs on Github.
I never built a Core App (trying now - just completed)
I never performed a Cleanup (trying next - just completed on core - can't peform on failed folders)
I am using i386 Architecture
See POSTGRES Failure.
I am going to do a Snapshot restore to an "unrun" system. Perform Apt-get update and give it one more try starting with Core, then going to Postgres, then to Joomla25 and Joomla 32
This is a pretty big hit on Data throughput it seems.
Part fixed, part not
I was missing the suffix ".git" on my git-clone commands.
That got Joomla25 to build.
Still had an error with my Joomla32 build though. I need to burrow in to see how MySQL is built.
Error ended with:
I have found sometimes you need to restart
I have found on occasion that if the build fails that you need to restart TKLDev then run clean (on reboot) to clear out the junk...
I think that if the build exits (i.e. errors) with MySQL running it can cause issues. I found simply restarting resolves this.
System is happy anyway. I
System is happy anyway. I restarted the system first per Rik and Eric's forum thread recomendation
cd /turnkey/fab/products
cd joomla32
Got to the end. (commented out the Welcome Post section in conf.d/mail)
ISO Install test next :)
Nice work Landis!
Awesome! Now fingers crossed for your ISO install test! :)
Empty Joomla Database and Configuration file (so not yet)
my joomla/configuration.php file is empty
my joomla database is empty
website returns: "No configuration file found and no installation code available. Exiting..."
I suppose I will try to "uncomment" the "welcome post" section again in conf.d/mail.
Perhaps I was not getting beyond there because of the mysqld (aka restart neede) issue.
I am sorry I didn't see your note Jeremy about Restarting.. It looks pretty simultaneous. We should update the docs on this.
Do you think the CLEAN also needs to be run before a New ISO is built or can multiple ISO's end up in a TKLDEV system without being CLEANED? (OK, see your note about also running clean)
cleaned and MAKE running now w/ comments REMOVED in conf.d/mail.
I think though there should be an install script in Joomla that needs to be called. I have not yet found it.
Does TKLDEV actually run MySQL or does it only configure it
The following thread has lots of "angles" on setting up Joomla Database version 3.0
I need to look a bit at how TKLDEV actually "does" mysql. Seems like it is running (of sorts) but as I can't get into Webmin don't know the details of shell/sql checks.
Error Returned with "welcome post" scripted. (joomla.jos_content
The Database tables don't seem to be created properly. According to the above link, I should see if I can give more RAM and Longer timeouts to MYSQL for the build process (though who knows really)
Installed Joomla3.2 Manually
It was relatively quick to install manually after my iso. Probably could make it quicker still.
I renamed /var/www/joomla folder to /var/www/joomla32 (to take it out of Apache)
I renamed joomla database (that was empty) to joomla-orig
I made a new folder /var/www/joomla
Inside the folder I ran in webshell: wget
I then extracted the file inside the folder.
I gave all folders the standard TKL-Webserver user and group (755) folders, (644) files
Note: There is no configuration.php initially
There is a /installation folder (that they require to be deleted after installation)
Going to the IpAddress/URL I was presented with the Joomla Installer.
the main thing was I installed
database: joomla (I defined tables to start with jos__
mysqli (format - alternative avail is mysql) I did not see InnoDB as a alternative in Joomla Install. However, inside PhpMYSQL, the type of files are indeed InnoDB (I requested mysqli - so perhaps thesame thing ??)
jos_content is a table definition (among many others) in joomla database.
Very New Interface at first view of Admin, and nice on the standard Web Site.
Now to just get the install script working. (detals below)
(more to follow, details below)
Joomla!® is free software released under the GNU General Public License.
1 Configuration
2 Database
3 Overview
Previous Install
Install Sample Data
None (Required for basic native multilingual site creation)Blog English (GB) Sample DataBrochure English (GB) Sample DataDefault English (GB) Sample DataLearn Joomla English (GB) Sample DataTest English (GB) Sample Data
Installing sample data is strongly recommended for beginners.
This will install sample content that is included in the Joomla! installation package.
Email Configuration
Send configuration settings to by email after installation.
Include Passwords in Email
Warning! It is recommended to not send and store your passwords in emails.
Main Configuration
Site Name Joomla32
Site Offline No
Admin Email
Admin Username (I should have said admin)
Admin Password ***
Database Configuration
Database Type mysqli (phpmysql says INNODB)
Host Name localhost
Username root
Password ***
Database Name joomla
Table Prefix jos_
Old Database Process Remove
Pre-Installation Check
PHP Version >= 5.3.1 Yes (I thought Wheezy was 5.4.4)
Magic Quotes GPC Off Yes
Register Globals Off Yes
Zlib Compression Support Yes
XML Support Yes
Database Support:
(mysql, mysqli, pdo) Yes
MB Language is Default Yes
MB String Overload Off Yes
INI Parser Support Yes
JSON Support Yes
configuration.php Writeable Yes
Recommended settings:
These settings are recommended for PHP in order to ensure full compatibility with Joomla.
However, Joomla! will still operate if your settings do not quite match the recommended configuration.
Directive Recommended Actual
Safe Mode Off Off
Display Errors Off Off
File Uploads On On
Magic Quotes Runtime Off Off
Output Buffering Off On
Session Auto Start Off Off
Native ZIP support On On
Joomla32 Appliance - Powered by TurnKey Linux (THIS MADE IT IN SOMEHOW!)
Idea - is there a way to call the Joomla Install Script at boot?
It seems to me there could be some value to filling the fields in the Joomla Install Script rather than prefilling everything (which is failing). Also it might give a nicer "landing" to new users.
I know, its not the way we do it..
Need to just work through the firstboot issue. Somehow the Joomla Database was not at all populated w/ the pieces from the Joomla25 script.
I guess so
But generally I think it's better practice to have it pre-installed and pre-configured with sensible defaults. Anything that needs to be configured should have an inithook. That way the values can be preseeded and there is no window of opportunity for the site to be hijacked or hacked (as installation is being finalised).
When I have got stuck with issues like your having I like to run through the commands manually to see what is going on (I have found that sometimes the errors that occur during 'make' don't give enough detail). If you use chroot (or IIRC you can use fab-chroot) then you can go into the root FS of you appliance build and see what is going on...
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