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Duong Manh Hung - Fri, 2014/08/15 - 08:34
Dear All.
I have a file server. I installed the samba on it to store the document. See below for the security :
- group :
+ g1 : user1, user2,user3
+ g2 : user4, user5,user6
+ g3 : user1,user5
- folder :
+ folder A : set permission chmod 775 and group chown root:g3
The problem is when the user1 modified a file in folder A then that file add the group g1 automatically. So the user2 can modify that file.
Quest : How to deny to add group automatically.
Thanks ALL.
TBH I'm not sure...
I think that you may need to ask this question somewhere else sorry. I could be wrong and maybe you'll get lucky, but I suspect that your question may go unanswered here. Google may help you out, or try posting on a forum with higher traffic, such as Debian (TKL is Debian based; v13.x is based on Debian Wheezy/7) might be a better bet (or even the Samba mailing list).
Sorry, I know that isn't very helpful. If you find an answer it'd be great if you post back as you'll make life for others in the future easier...
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