What do you use to backup mysql databases? I am particularly interested in incremental backups, mainly to save space, as only 2 out of 8 of my databases change very often. One has minor edits applied constantly throughout the day, but leaves the majority of the data the same. All monthly time points will need to be archived to an offsite store. Any ideas?


OnePressTech's picture

Hi Jon,

TKLBAM backups up your VM incrementally including the MySQL database. I just did a restore last week. Works as advertised...press the button...voila...restored back to that instance in time. You can set your frequency for incremental and full backups and the number of instances retained in the offsite store which is AWS S3 region closest to the region where your DNS is hosted. You can set the encrypted passcode for additional privacy. Data is encrypted.

If you are looking for finer grained MySQL backup it might be easier for people to advise if you elaborate as to why TKLBAM would not meet your requirements.

Just one man's two cents worth :-)


Tim (Managing Director - OnePressTech)

Thanks Tim,

My concerns were raised when I tried to do a restore from the S3 store and repeatedly failed due to a time out error.

It seems to make sense to backup the really important data to a seperate location so that if in future the S3 fails again, at least I have the databases intact to  restore from.

Also, the reason I needed to use the restore in the first place was because an overnight backup to S3 failed due to a disk corruption , so I was already losing one days database changes by using the previous nights restore point. 

I am currently trialing http://phpbu.de/ which seems to do what I need.

thanks for your help


OnePressTech's picture

Hi Jon,

I know where you are coming from. I am progressively creating a redundant layered backup strategy myself. Let me know how you go with MySQL backup options. At present I just stop my VMs every month and image the VM then restart it. That gives me a full alternate backup to my daily / monthly TKLBAM backups.


Tim (Managing Director - OnePressTech)

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