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Submitted by leebase on Wed, 2009/04/01 - 09:14
Just an fyi -- I downloaded core -- and then successfully installed java and tomcat :) I feel so manyly, no gui's involved, only the command line. I found a good "how to" here.
Newbie question....I need to add the "export JAVA_HOME" to the bash file that's always run. I was logged in as root when I installed both java and tomcat. Where do I go to put the export in such that I wouldn't have to retype it all the time?
As soon as I get a few more hurdles settled down (like logging into the manager app, and a hello world .jsp) -- I'll write up a how to from soup to nuts. Might even whip out a screencast.
Configuring your environment
If you want to configure your root bash shell environment edit the /root/.bashrc file.
If you want to configure the system-level environment edit the /etc/environment file.
BTW, screencasts are an area we have also given some thought to. I'm expecting it to be a very useful tool for introducing appliances in general and TurnKey Linux in particular to new users.
Turnkey Tomcat has been released
As I mentioned in another forum post, we have just release the TurnKey Tomcat appliance, it would be great if you as a Java dude could take it for a spin and provide a little feedback.
Will do after our production
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