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Peter - Tue, 2015/10/27 - 17:52
Can you give an indication when the LXC containers will be ready for use in Promox 4.0?
A heavy Promox user
Can you give an indication when the LXC containers will be ready for use in Promox 4.0?
A heavy Promox user
As soon can (i.e. as soon as they're done)
We'll also need to update the appliance list so that they show up in the PVE WebUI
We are currently struggling with a bug in the inithooks display within the noVNC console (under Proxmox v4.0). It makes some of the inithooks text left align and the "buttons" do weird things - rather than displaying properly. Ideally we'd like to fix it but if we're still having no progress soon, then we'll probably press on regardless.
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