
Can you give an indication when the LXC containers will be ready for use in Promox 4.0?

A heavy Promox user



Jeremy Davis's picture

I plan to have them released by the end of next week but we know about the "best laid plans of mice and men"! :)

We'll also need to update the appliance list so that they show up in the PVE WebUI

We are currently struggling with a bug in the inithooks display within the noVNC console (under Proxmox v4.0). It makes some of the inithooks text left align and the "buttons" do weird things - rather than displaying properly. Ideally we'd like to fix it but if we're still having no progress soon, then we'll probably press on regardless.

Jeremy Davis's picture

Hi Peter, I just wanted to make sure that you saw the announcement!? http://www.turnkeylinux.org/blog/14.0-optimized-builds-pt2-proxmox-openn...

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