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RAurelian - Sun, 2015/12/27 - 10:46
Hi guys!
Do you have any timeframe for when Turnkey Linux will include Bugzilla 5.x (it`s version 5.0.2 right now) or if there are any plans to upgrade? I`ve been using Bugzilla 4.4 from TurnKey for some time now and am holding up an upgrade, waiting for Turnkey Bugzilla to upgrade. But now I cannot wait too long, so I would like to know if I should go about setting up my own Bugzilla 5.x installation or keep waiting.
Until now I have had a great experience with Turnkey distributions as they have been working rock solid from the day I first started them and setup was easy, so I would prefer to wait.
Do you have an estimated timeframe for the update?
Thank you for the great work and also, happy holidays!
It will be included in v14.1
The Bugzilla buildcode update should be complete and working (see the update here). If you would like to help with testing for the v14.1 release (which would be super awesome) you can build a new ISO with TKLDev (have a look at this blog post). Any issues (either building or during testing) please let me know and we'll look into it. If it all works fine then there is no reason why you couldn't start using the ISO you created (unless of course you intend to use it somewhere other than in a VM/bare metal).
PS thanks for the lovely feedback and hope you had a happy holidays too! :)
Hey Jeremy, Do you have any
Hey Jeremy,
Do you have any updates on Bugzilla 5.x?
We haven't announced it yet but it's avaialble
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