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DLD - Fri, 2010/07/09 - 05:36
Sorry if this is just plain obvious but I'm being plagued with the mysql error '1045: Access denied for user xxx' when i try to do a mysqldump. None of my normal passwords work with 'root' as the user. Is there a manual way of backing up or is there a config file somewhere I can look at to get a hint of the password?
I installed phpmyadmin to try to work around the problem but it requires the same missing password.
Using mysqladmin -u root password xxxxx just gives me the same message (without the 1045 identifier)
Also is the database called redmine or railsapp_production by default?
Answered both questions
found a solution here - to reset the root password - worked a charm.
the DB is called railsapp_production.
Hope that helps someone.
Glad you got it sorted
Hope you don't mind, I added to your original topic title a little to better relect the post.
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