Brian's picture

New (and first) Turnkey install using the NGINX template on a PVE host (all the other LXC have been from the Debian template).

First boot ran OK and I can get into the WebMin interface. I was then expecting to see an NGINX module.

I am looking to upload a simple set of PHP pages to serve on my LAN. Any pointers on how to get started?


Jeremy Davis's picture

There is no official Webmin Nginx module. The only webserver that is supplied with a Webmin module is Apache (e.g. LAMP, LAPP, etc). If you wish to use Nginx, you'll need to use a text editor to configure it.

As for uploading PHP files, you can use the File Manager Webmin module, as well as all TurnKey servers come with SFTP included and enabled. The default Nginx webroot is /var/www (the default landing page the appliance ships with is /var/www/index.php).

I hope that helps get you started.

Brian's picture

Firstly these templates are really clever. However, I soon discovered that the Webmin service takes up a fair chunk of the CPU allocation.

I've therefore ditched this and just went for a container created from an Ubuntu template and installed NGINX. Created the configuration and the files and I'm up and running. Pretty easy.

Jeremy Davis's picture

FWIW, Webmin is easy to remove and/or disable if you had wished.

To disable (on v16.x):

systemctl disable --now webmin.service stunnel4@webmin.service

Or remove completely:

systemctl mask stunnel4@webmin.service
apt purge -y webmin*

Regardless, I'm glad to hear that you found what you needed.

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