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PC Load Letter? - Thu, 2020/12/17 - 16:28
Good Morning Everyone,
I am rather new to the Turnkey appliances. I am looking to use one of the Bugzilla appliances to replace our old Bugzilla setup. It uses an old Linux OS and MYSQL, but separately. I am looking to import one of the DB backups from the current system into the new appliance, but am not sure where to import it in the appliance. Any guidance is much appreciated.
How you restore it, will depend on how you created it...
You don't mention what OS (beyond Linux) that the old Bugzilla server is, so I'm going to assume that it's something non-TurnKey (and therefore assume that you aren't using TKLBAM, nor is it an option). You also don't mention how your create the Bugzilla backup? I'm going to assume that you just zipped up your old Bugzilla directory and used mysqldump to create a dump of your old bugzilla DB; i.e. on your old Bugzilla server, something like this (assuming DB is called "bugzilla"):
Once you copy the DB dump file across, you should be able to just import it. I recommend that you dump, drop and recreate the default "bugzilla" DB that TurnKey ships with TurnKey. Then import the old DB and ensure that the 'bugzilla' DB user has the appropriate permissions. So on the new TurnKey Bugzilla, like this:
Thanks for the information. No it is not a turnkey appliance. The OS is Suse 11.2 with Bugzilla version version 2.18 installed. The MYSQL server is separate. I will look into the info you posted in more detail and go from there. Thanks again!
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