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I was able to get Canvas going fine. I exported a course from my production (hosted version from Instructure) but when I tried to import it into a new course I created, the browser just froze.
Below is the end of the production.log -- I can attached the whole thing if that would be useful.
root@canvas canvas/log# tail production.log
[ec1e5592031cfad3dabadebd6d83d5ab 1ff050c0-488c-0131-ba6b-000c29c9a50c] Parameters: {"error"=>{"message"=>"Uncaught TypeError: Function.prototype.apply: Arguments list has wrong type", "line"=>"353", "url"=>"", "platform"=>"Win32", "action"=>"", "user_name"=>"", "user_agent"=>"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/32.0.1700.76 Safari/537.36", "parentPage"=>""}, "action"=>"record_js_error", "controller"=>"info"}
[ec1e5592031cfad3dabadebd6d83d5ab 1ff050c0-488c-0131-ba6b-000c29c9a50c] Pseudonym Load (0.2ms) SELECT * FROM `pseudonyms` WHERE (`pseudonyms`.`id` = 1) LIMIT 1
[ec1e5592031cfad3dabadebd6d83d5ab 1ff050c0-488c-0131-ba6b-000c29c9a50c] User Load (0.4ms) SELECT * FROM `users` WHERE (`users`.`id` = 1)
[ec1e5592031cfad3dabadebd6d83d5ab 1ff050c0-488c-0131-ba6b-000c29c9a50c] SQL (0.1ms) BEGIN
[ec1e5592031cfad3dabadebd6d83d5ab 1ff050c0-488c-0131-ba6b-000c29c9a50c] ErrorReport Create (0.6ms) INSERT INTO `error_reports` (`backtrace`, `url`, `message`, `comments`, `user_id`, `created_at`, `updated_at`, `email`, `during_tests`, `user_agent`, `request_method`, `http_env`, `subject`, `request_context_id`, `account_id`, `zendesk_ticket_id`, `data`, `category`) VALUES('', '', 'Uncaught TypeError: Function.prototype.apply: Arguments list has wrong type', NULL, NULL, '2013-12-16 14:27:32', '2013-12-16 14:27:32', '', 0, 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/32.0.1700.76 Safari/537.36', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '--- \nline: \"353\"\nplatform: Win32\naction:\nuser_name:\nparentPage:\n', 'javascript')
[ec1e5592031cfad3dabadebd6d83d5ab 1ff050c0-488c-0131-ba6b-000c29c9a50c] SQL (2.8ms) COMMIT
[ec1e5592031cfad3dabadebd6d83d5ab 1ff050c0-488c-0131-ba6b-000c29c9a50c] Created ErrorReport ID 146
[ec1e5592031cfad3dabadebd6d83d5ab 1ff050c0-488c-0131-ba6b-000c29c9a50c] Completed in 203ms (View: 1, DB: 4) | 200 OK [[message][user_agent]=Mozilla/5.0%20%28Windows%20NT%206.1%3B%20WOW64%29%20AppleWebKit/537.36%20%28KHTML%2C%20like%20Gecko%29%20Chrome/32.0.1700.76%20Safari/537.36&error[parentPage]=https%3A//]
[ec1e5592031cfad3dabadebd6d83d5ab 1ff050c0-488c-0131-ba6b-000c29c9a50c] [STAT] 456600 451652 -4948 456600 0.21000000000000085 0
[ec1e5592031cfad3dabadebd6d83d5ab 1ff050c0-488c-0131-ba6b-000c29c9a50c] request throttling increment: [0.21410852400000085,-50,1387204052.9393144,"1",50,1387204052.728]
There is a bug in the Canvas appliance
The current Canvas appliance needs to have a slightly later version of Redis-server than what it is packaged with (on face value it works, but actually it's a bit broken...). Have a look at the workaround here.
If you've already done that and you're still getting the same error, then perhaps there is some incompatibility between the version on your hosted instance and the TKL one?
Import still failing
Thanks for the assistance Jeremy!
I applied the 3-line fix to Redis and restarted the entire server. It still could not import the course package. So, instead of the entire course, I just exported a small quiz and tried that. Still failed (i.e. browser froze and errors found in log).
Reflected in the log below, I went to import the quiz, but this time ticked off the "Select migration content" option. That froze as well: [production log]
Ths system had quiesced at line 1181. That's when I inititated the import.
The first error was at 1955:
Errno::ENOENT (No such file or directory - /var/www/canvas/tmp/attachment_fu/
Could that mean that the file (only 80K BTW) was read but somehow another process could not read it?
Ahh it looks like there's another issue too...
It seems that there is another bug in the Canvas appliance... The permissions aren't quite right. See this issue. Basically you need to adjust the permissions for the tmp folder. I would do it like this:
Changing 'tmp' directory permssions works!
Success - the course import worked! Thanks Jeremy.
Not sure I should have opened up a new thread but there is just one thing that didn't work --quizzes. I tried a stand-alone import of a few quizess exported from my hosted Canvas production system. The import fails with this error:
#199 Couldn't convert QTI 1.2 to 2.1, see error log: /tmp/job-675-canvas.3384-20140203-3384-57yq22/cm_11_user_id_1_qti/qti_conversion_error.log
category: content_migration
created at: 2014-02-03 12:01:30 -0700
couldn't convert QTI 1.2 to 2.1, see error log: /tmp/job-675-canvas.3384-20140203-3384-57yq22/cm_11_user_id_1_qti/qti_conversion_error.log
/var/www/canvas/vendor/plugins/qti_exporter/lib/qti/converter.rb:77:in `run_qti_converter'
/var/www/canvas/vendor/plugins/qti_exporter/lib/qti/converter.rb:35:in `export'
/var/www/canvas/lib/cc/importer/cc_worker.rb:33:in `perform'
/var/www/canvas/vendor/plugins/delayed_job/lib/delayed/backend/base.rb:229:in `invoke_job'
/var/www/canvas/vendor/plugins/delayed_job/lib/delayed/worker.rb:135:in `block (2 levels) in perform'
/usr/lib/ruby/1.9.1/timeout.rb:68:in `timeout'
/var/www/canvas/vendor/plugins/delayed_job/lib/delayed/worker.rb:135:in `block in perform'
/usr/lib/ruby/1.9.1/benchmark.rb:295:in `realtime'
/var/www/canvas/vendor/plugins/delayed_job/lib/delayed/worker.rb:129:in `perform'
/var/www/canvas/vendor/plugins/delayed_job/lib/delayed/worker.rb:102:in `block in run'
/var/www/canvas/vendor/plugins/delayed_job/lib/delayed/worker.rb:199:in `block in configure_for_job'
/usr/lib/ruby/1.9.1/tmpdir.rb:83:in `mktmpdir'
/var/www/canvas/vendor/plugins/delayed_job/lib/delayed/worker.rb:197:in `configure_for_job'
/var/www/canvas/vendor/plugins/delayed_job/lib/delayed/worker.rb:100:in `run'
/var/www/canvas/vendor/plugins/delayed_job/lib/delayed/worker.rb:75:in `block in start'
/var/www/canvas/vendor/plugins/delayed_job/lib/delayed/worker.rb:74:in `loop'
/var/www/canvas/vendor/plugins/delayed_job/lib/delayed/worker.rb:74:in `start'
/var/www/canvas/vendor/plugins/delayed_job/lib/delayed/pool.rb:153:in `block in spawn_worker'
/var/www/canvas/vendor/plugins/delayed_job/lib/delayed/pool.rb:164:in `block in fork_with_reconnects'
/var/www/canvas/vendor/plugins/delayed_job/lib/delayed/pool.rb:161:in `fork'
/var/www/canvas/vendor/plugins/delayed_job/lib/delayed/pool.rb:161:in `fork_with_reconnects'
/var/www/canvas/vendor/plugins/delayed_job/lib/delayed/pool.rb:151:in `spawn_worker'
/var/www/canvas/vendor/plugins/delayed_job/lib/delayed/pool.rb:138:in `block (2 levels) in spawn_all_workers'
/var/www/canvas/vendor/plugins/delayed_job/lib/delayed/pool.rb:138:in `times'
/var/www/canvas/vendor/plugins/delayed_job/lib/delayed/pool.rb:138:in `block in spawn_all_workers'
/var/www/canvas/vendor/plugins/delayed_job/lib/delayed/pool.rb:136:in `each'
/var/www/canvas/vendor/plugins/delayed_job/lib/delayed/pool.rb:136:in `spawn_all_workers'
/var/www/canvas/vendor/plugins/delayed_job/lib/delayed/pool.rb:98:in `start'
/var/www/canvas/vendor/plugins/delayed_job/lib/delayed/pool.rb:51:in `run'
/var/www/canvas/script/delayed_job:5:in `<main>'
I don't suspect the production log will offer much more. It seems odd to me that the stated problem is in going from QTI 1.2 to 2.1. If anything, I would have guessed that the TKL version would have been backlevel from Instructure production. (Which raises a question for me: How do you determine the current version of Canvas -- with slipstreaming does it even offer release numbers?)
TBH I have no idea what this is about. I have just done a little research on the issue and it seems that it is often a result of incorrect python version (which shouldn't be an issue in TKL). Although thinking about it some more, I wonder if again it is perhaps a permissions issue? One person who had this issue mentioned that they "adjusted permissions". Unfortunately they didn't explicitly say what permissions, but that got me thinking again... According to this needs to be executable by the Canvas process. so just to satisfy my curiosity, could you please try setting the ownership and permissions of this folder and file:
PS You raise a good point re version... I note that some of the other TKL appliances that come from Git state the commit number but the Canvas appliance doesn't seem to...
Importing Quiz still has errors
It turns out that directory did not exist:
So, I followed the instructions here:
to install the migration tool.
Afterwards, the directory was fully popuplated with marked execute. Also, the parent had correct ownership per your suggestion:
This time, when I did a quiz import, I got:
#201 Cannot allocate memory - unzip -qo /var/www/canvas/tmp/files/0000/0077/1391454086_423__global-economies-and-markets-quiz-export\%252B\%2525287\ -d /tmp/job-780-canvas.3552-20140204-3552-i9nkv6/qti20140204-3552-11kwmq0 2>&1
Well that sucks!
Bugger... I hoped that might have worked...
Judging by the errors I'm guessing that the QTI converter is already installed but not where the docs say it 'should' be... Looks like it might be in /var/www/canvas/vendor/plugins/qti_exporter/lib/qti/
Sorry for leading you astray... I have no further ideas without installing and sitting down and having a play with it. Not sure when I'll have time for that. I'll see what I can do...
Thanks for your patience and sorry that I couldn't help as easily as I might have hoped...
PS FWIW I have created another (new) issue
It looks like you ran out of memory...
Getting closer!
You nailed it -- Thanks!
I'm running this on a VM using VirtualBox so I Just hiked up the memory and it actually did a partial import.
First I tired just importing a single quiz (QTI .zip from the current hosted Canvas production version). The error was:
#23 Can't export QTI without the python converter tool installed.
category: content_migration
created at: 2014-07-17 15:28:03 -0600
Can't export QTI without the python converter tool installed.
/var/www/canvas/vendor/plugins/qti_exporter/lib/workers/qti_worker.rb:10:in `perform'
/var/www/canvas/vendor/plugins/delayed_job/lib/delayed/backend/base.rb:211:in `invoke_job'
/var/www/canvas/vendor/plugins/delayed_job/lib/delayed/worker.rb:135:in `block (2 levels) in perform'
/usr/local/lib/ruby/1.9.1/timeout.rb:68:in `timeout'
/var/www/canvas/vendor/plugins/delayed_job/lib/delayed/worker.rb:135:in `block in perform'
/usr/local/lib/ruby/1.9.1/benchmark.rb:295:in `realtime'
/var/www/canvas/vendor/plugins/delayed_job/lib/delayed/worker.rb:129:in `perform'
/var/www/canvas/vendor/plugins/delayed_job/lib/delayed/worker.rb:102:in `block in run'
/var/www/canvas/vendor/plugins/delayed_job/lib/delayed/worker.rb:198:in `block in configure_for_job'
/usr/local/lib/ruby/1.9.1/tmpdir.rb:83:in `mktmpdir'
/var/www/canvas/vendor/plugins/delayed_job/lib/delayed/worker.rb:196:in `configure_for_job'
/var/www/canvas/vendor/plugins/delayed_job/lib/delayed/worker.rb:100:in `run'
/var/www/canvas/vendor/plugins/delayed_job/lib/delayed/worker.rb:75:in `block in start'
/var/www/canvas/vendor/plugins/delayed_job/lib/delayed/worker.rb:74:in `loop'
/var/www/canvas/vendor/plugins/delayed_job/lib/delayed/worker.rb:74:in `start'
/var/www/canvas/vendor/plugins/delayed_job/lib/delayed/pool.rb:155:in `block in spawn_worker'
/var/www/canvas/vendor/plugins/delayed_job/lib/delayed/pool.rb:151:in `fork'
/var/www/canvas/vendor/plugins/delayed_job/lib/delayed/pool.rb:151:in `spawn_worker'
/var/www/canvas/vendor/plugins/delayed_job/lib/delayed/pool.rb:138:in `block (2 levels) in spawn_all_workers'
/var/www/canvas/vendor/plugins/delayed_job/lib/delayed/pool.rb:138:in `times'
/var/www/canvas/vendor/plugins/delayed_job/lib/delayed/pool.rb:138:in `block in spawn_all_workers'
/var/www/canvas/vendor/plugins/delayed_job/lib/delayed/pool.rb:136:in `each'
/var/www/canvas/vendor/plugins/delayed_job/lib/delayed/pool.rb:136:in `spawn_all_workers'
/var/www/canvas/vendor/plugins/delayed_job/lib/delayed/pool.rb:98:in `start'
/var/www/canvas/vendor/plugins/delayed_job/lib/delayed/pool.rb:51:in `run'
/var/www/canvas/script/delayed_job:5:in `<main>'
so, perhaps is is as simple as installing the "python converter". Any guidance on that?
Next I did a full course export/import.
It seemed to copy the assignments, pages, and calendar events, and files too. But the calendar events, while appearing in the syllabus, did not show on the calendar itself. The quizzes did not import.
It threw a lot of Canvas migration errors:
But, the files did import!
Most of them seem like the same problem:
#27 No such file or directory - /var/www/canvas/tmp/attachment_fu/998139314q1cpiindiaq1_r11631-0.jpg.lock
#64 No such file or directory - /var/www/canvas/tmp/attachment_fu/124232531Notes Class 11631-0.pdf.lock
#72 No such file or directory - /var/www/canvas/tmp/attachment_fu/1051754650Notes Class 21631-0.pdf.lock
so maybe these were transient errors that cleared.
Overall, this is a lot closer. Thanks for the help.
A working solution to this problem I had
see this thread:
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