Lundstrom's picture

Hi again, I try to update a newly installed WP appliance, a form to be filled in shows up. I fill it in and mark sftp, but the connection is refused.

I have tried different as host: localhost, localhost:22,,

User root and password.

Nothing works :S

Jeremy Davis's picture

I undertand you are trying to ugrade Wordpress but as I am unfamilar with the process so perhaps you could give a little more detail of the steps you are taking. It would also potentially be useful to know the client software you are using to conect via SFTP (etc) and upload a screenshot of the "form" you are speaking of.

Personally I usually do all my work on TKL appliances remotely using a combination of Web browser, Filezilla (cross platform SFTP client) and Terminal/PuTTY (SHH in Linux terminal works well, PuTTY under Windows).

Lundstrom's picture

I know the tools you use, but I want the management of the site to be as simple as possible because I am only the developer and others thats is unfamiliar with web, ftp, ssh... should be able to manage the site.

In this case it is an update/upgrade within worpress, this form do not always come up on every wp installation.


Lundstrom's picture

I did create a new install and this form do not show up, but glad if you have some sort of an idea? :)

Jeremy Davis's picture

They are similar but different:



Glad you got it sorted, not sure how you'll go if you reencounter this issue.

patrickfitzg's picture

I read the article and the following comments. It is not easy to pick out he right answer here.

The OP did not work for me, although after trying so many alternatives, it is hard to tell whether I have made a mess three times over that cannot be fixed.

Jeremy Davis's picture



Also there is a tweak to do to the config file too (to make sure it doesn't ask - in some scenarios it will still ask...). In wp-config.php add:

define('FS_METHOD', 'direct');

Note: it must be added before the line:

/* That's all, stop editing! Happy blogging. */

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