Hey guys

I'm havin an issue with my extplorer. For some odd reason I can't log in. I changed a file directory in webmin and ever since then I get 403 Forbidden


I think I changed the user www-data file directory.

Would that cause my extplorer not to work? If so could you tell me the default directory.



Jeremy Davis's picture

So I guess that changes you've made to that user account have created your eXtpolorer problems. I suggest you just revert the changes that you made.

If you are not sure exactly what changes you made or how to revert them, you may be succesful in creating a TKLBAM backup and restoring to a fresh install (if you are using a bare metal install, I would test restore to a VM first to minimise the chance of issues). I'm pretty sure that would work but test first to be sure and let us know if there are any issues.

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