Søren's picture

I get the following error when trying to do a backup on my newly initiated micro instance (it worked fine ont he old small server). How can this be fixed?



Traceback (most recent call last):                                                                                         

  File "/usr/bin/tklbam-backup", line 266, in <module>                                                                     


  File "/usr/bin/tklbam-backup", line 195, in main                                                                         

    conf.profile = get_profile(hb)                                                                                         

  File "/usr/bin/tklbam-backup", line 122, in get_profile                                                                  

    new_profile = hb.get_new_profile(turnkey_version, profile_timestamp)                                                   

  File "/usr/lib/tklbam/hub.py", line 205, in get_new_profile                                                              

    response = self._api('GET', 'archive/timestamp/', attrs)                                                               

  File "/usr/lib/tklbam/hub.py", line 183, in _api                                                                         

    return API.request(method, self.API_URL + uri, attrs, headers)                                                         

  File "/usr/lib/tklbam/hub.py", line 127, in request                                                                      

    raise Error(c.response_code, name, description)                                                                        

hub.Error: (404, 'BackupArchive.NotFound', 'Backup profile archive not found: turnkey-wordpress-11.2-lucid-x86')   
Alon Swartz's picture

There was a minor glitch the 11.2 TKLBAM profiles, so we are in the process of re-creating them. They should be available soon - sorry about that.

Update: re-calculated 11.2 profiles are now available

Søren's picture

yay, it works.

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