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I have been mucking around with the new releases and converting them to OpenVZ templates for my own use.
As part of the process I have been running apt-get upgrade. But with the Domain Controller, as part of the upgrade I am confronted with a screen that says:
"A new version of configuration file /etc/samba/smb.conf is availabe, but the version installed currently has been locally modified. What would you like to do about smb.conf?"
The I am presented with the following options:
- install new
- keep current
- diff
- sdiff
- diff threeway
- merge threeway
- shell
I am assuming that the local modifications are a custom TKL set.
What is the best method (ie the one most likely to work as desired and least likely to cause problems).
For your interest I have stuck with "keep current" for now but have yet to test my template.
[edit] Same applies to TKL FileServer (and obviously any other appliance that uses Samba).
Yes, the local modifications provide the magic :)
The safest method (and the default when upgrading) is to keep current. You can always perform a diff to see what would change though...
Ok, when I get a chance I'll go back and check on that at some point. Good to know I was heading in the right direction though
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