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Advanced usage (configuration hook scripts)
If granular configuration is required, the configuration script 'conf' can be replaced with a conf directory containing the following configuration script hooks to be executed in the chroot (rootfs):
conf/pre-debs # executed before apply-debs conf/post-debs # executed after apply-debs conf/pre-overlay # executed before apply-overlay conf/post-overlay # executed after apply-overlay
The hook scripts provides a powerful interface to support any use case, for example:
- Installing dependencies or preseeding of custom debs (pre-debs)
- Tweaking the debs installation after installation (post-debs)
- Installing packages and customizing them prior to applying the overlay (pre-overlay)
- Tweaking after the overlay is applied (post-overlay - equivalent to the simple conf)
DRY - Don't Repeat Yourself
Advanced users will also appreciate the added DRY support included with the advanced conf scripts, providing the ability to include generic helper functions or scripts, for example:
conf/functions install() { apt-get update DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get -y \ -o DPkg::Options::=--force-confdef \ -o DPkg::Options::=--force-confold \ install $@ }
conf/pre-overlay #!/bin/bash -ex source $(dirname $0)/functions install hello
Advanced hello world example
tklpatch-example can be executed with the --advanced option to generate an example patch including the advanced configuration hook scripts, and a basic functions file.
tklpatch-example --advanced helloworld