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Additional resources
- Chelsea School team TKLPatch documentation: Rik Goldman and his students at Chelsea School have done extensive work with TKLPatch. Rik has put together some great TKLPatch documentation that fills in the gaps his team struggled with. The ultimate aim is to have his documentation consolidated here on the TKL Documentation Wiki at some point...
- Advanced usage tips and tricks (on the TKL dev wiki)
- TKLPatch live training transcript
- Initialization Hooks documentation + examples
- di-live README (TurnKey's installer)
Forum posts/threads that may be of interest:
- Liraz on various hook paths, documentation and cracking TKL open in general
- Rudiger & Liraz on di-live
- JedMeister, Rudiger & Alon on prefered app packaging for inclusion in patches
- For more reading, try a forum search for 'tklpatch'
- And/or forum posts with tag 'tklpatch'.
- Current list of tklpatches (on TKL dev wiki)