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Submitted by syaman on Sun, 2010/02/28 - 04:16
The recently-released KnowledgeTree version 3.7 Community Edition now comes with DEB repositories for Ubuntu 8.04 LTS. Click here to view the download script and click here for details on the respositories.
Seeing that Turnkey Linux is based on Ubuntu 8.04 LTS too, is there a possibility we will soon see an appliance for KnowledgeTree? It would then, I believe, be the first document management appliance available here.
Thanks in advance!
I think thats a good idea
although it will probably depend on whether the Devs focus on the 10.04 Ubuntu release exclusively or continue to maintain the 8.04 base concurrently.
Regardless, if you want to see a TKL KnowledgeTree appliance available asap, then get your hands dirty and document how its done or better still create a TKLPatch to share with others. Have a look on the TKL development page. I would imagine it'd be fairly straight forward as AFAIK the complete KnowledgeTree installer includes its own customised Apache and MySQL setup.
Not sure if you are still looking for a KT appliance?
I just found this old thread when searching for the KT patch thread from late last year. Just in case you missed it (or someone else comes across this thread while looking for a KT appliance) I thought I'd post here and provide a link for you so you can check it out if you like. The patch can be found here. If you are not in a rush, then it maye be better to wait for the official appliance release (I'm assuming that it'll make it in) but the patch should get you going.
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