Bjarne's picture

I'm about to configure a new Turnkey Linux WordPress 15.1 Hyper-V based server. Once I'm done, tweaking the PHP settings, SSL-certificate and so on, I'll be migrating our old intranet to the new host allowing me to take advantage of the much faster PHP 7.x performance.

The existing intranet is hosted on a Turnkey Linux 14.x installation, also located on a Hyper-V server.

Its current uptime is amazing 577 days - how about that :)

Keep up the good job! Its appreciated :D


Jeremy Davis's picture

It's always great to hear good news stories. Whilst we think that TurnKey is pretty cool, more often that not, we tend to hear more from users who are having problems than who are really happy (I guess that's just the nature of things...). Also any sort of feedback is always welcome.

If you have any problems/concerns regarding the migration, please feel free to ask.

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