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anthony portillo - Wed, 2009/11/11 - 04:27
Good Day EveryOne,
I cant see my website out my lan, i have my domain with CNAME to my public IP (with dyndns), the port 80 and 8080 its enable in router of my lan and iptables in 'turnkey joomla'.
In my lan i can see it very good, but i need an orientation and help for resolv this.
May you help me?
Thank for any help that you can offer me...
PD: Sorry for my bad english
Best Wishes!!!!
Set static IP, check port forwarding, do external port scan
Set TKL appliance to have a static IP and make sure you have Port Forwarding set up on your router and pointing to the TKL appliance. There are many variations of how to do this so I can't give you instructions but has pretty comprehensive instructions for many models of router.
Another thing to check is whether your ISP is blocking port 80 and or 8080. To check that try doing an IP scan using Shields Up or similar. If these ports are being blocked then you will need to find a port that isn't and use that. You may be able to port forward to the standard port on your TKL appliance using your router but some don't allow this. If your router doesn't support it then you'll need to change the port on your TKL appliance. To access your appliance with a non standard port append :99 (where 99 is the port number) on the end of the address eg
I think you should be able to do it via Webmin
but I'm not sure. OTOH editing the conf file is pretty easy. These instructions should work (they are based on standard Apache2 setup but are untested on TKL).
The file you need to edit is /etc/apache2/ports.conf file. So in a terminal type:
(please substitute your favourite text editor if desired) and look for this line:
and change the 80 to whichever port you want. Then restart apache:
Hmm - nothing else I can think of at the moment...
I'm pretty sure those instructions should work and a quick google didn't turn up anything obvious that I've missed. Restarting apache should be all it needs for the new config to stick, and by the sounds its doing something, just not what we want!
I'm assuming that initially you could access the content locally no worries, just not remotely? What about since changing the port? Can you still access it locally? I'd guess not. If you can access it locally via the new port but not remotely then there is something in your network interfering.
Also if you are using virtualisation it may be best to start with a fresh VM, tweak it and get it working on an alternative port then adjust all the others. That way you eliminate any issues about risking your content or already (almost) functioning appliances.
And just to confuse the issue - Have you got your TKLs running on baremetal or in a Virtual Environment (VirtualBox/VMware etc)? If using virtualisation, most platforms have some sort of NAT/port forwarding built in, which may be another way to skin this cat.
No worries! Glad you got it sorted!
Sounds like it all worked out with Webmin. Not sure why it worked ok that way but not the 'manual' way. I thought Webmin basically just did the same thing behind the scenes, but perhaps not and there was something I left out?
Anyway all's well that ends well
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