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Helga - Mon, 2011/03/14 - 12:15
I have a setup of Turnkey Wordpress on my local machine using VMware Player.
The date and time in the Wordpress blog is wrong. It is late by about 4 days. If I go to the Web shell I get the correct time but the Webmin log has the wrong time.
I have upgraded both Webmin and Wordpress.
Can you help me to correct the time in Wordpress?
Not resolved yet
I thought I had resolved this. I deactivated the WordPress Mobile Pack and now everything seemed to works Ok.
But after restarting the computer and running VMware and Turnkey Wordpress again this error still appears. Now the date is about two days off.
If I go to Wordpress > Settings > General > Date Format and change the format I get the correct date again. But not always.
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