Guest's picture


I downloaded Turnkey LAMP appliance and added wordpress via ftp explorer within webmin.

But when I'm trying to add new themes/plugins etc to wordpress it doesnot accept the username and password (image file attached). I have tried ftps option as well but no luck. Then I found that via Filezilla I can add stuff to directory but it gives me connection refused error! here is the log

"Status: Connecting to localhost...

Response: fzSftp started
Command: open "root@localhost" 22
Error: Network error: Connection refused
Error: Could not connect to server
Status: Waiting to retry...
Status: Connecting to localhost...
Response: fzSftp started
Command: open "root@localhost" 22
Error: Network error: Connection refused
Error: Could not connect to server"
Can someone tell me what are the settings for sftp via filezilla and also is there a way to add themes via wordpress itself rather than filezilla (for information purposes only as I prefer FZ)?
Don Sanderson's picture

Where are you trying to connect from?

Connection from filezilla should be to root@IP_ADDRESS_OF_TKL_Appliance, port 22.

In the image you sent it should be using sftp on port 22, not FTP on 21.

Jeremy Davis's picture

To log in via SFTP you need to use your Linux user credentials (ie username: root & password; set at forst boot). When using Filezilla you need to explicitly set the transfer protocol as SFTP (from the dropdown - default is FTP). Specifying port 22 is not enough (actually if you select SFTP then you don't need to specify the port, SFTP defaults to port 22).

If you wish to use FTP/FTPS then you will have to install an FTP server such as vsftp.

Jeremy Davis's picture

Which would go something like:

apt-get update && apt-get install vsftpd

Then you will need to configure it. I suggest you have a look at the Ubuntu Server Guide.

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