Benjamin Busche's picture

I can't use tklbam-backup after associating with new API Key through tklbam-init --force, it gives me the following error:

root@prestashop ~# tklbam-backup
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/bin/tklbam-backup", line 266, in <module>
  File "/usr/bin/tklbam-backup", line 233, in main
  File "/usr/lib/tklbam/", line 226, in new_backup_record
    response = self._api('POST', 'record/create/', attrs)
  File "/usr/lib/tklbam/", line 183, in _api
    return API.request(method, self.API_URL + uri, attrs, headers)
  File "/usr/lib/tklbam/", line 127, in request
    raise Error(c.response_code, name, description)
hub.Error: (400, 'BackupRecord.ServerIDNotFound', 'Server ID does not exist: <removed-this-incase-its-important>')

Basicly what i wanted to do is backup one of my running instance to someone else's hub backup store.

used tklbam-init --force to feed the other Persons API Key (no error shown)


possible that there is something in tklbam-init that is broken? it seems it doesn't set the proper target URL for the s3 backup.

Help would be much appreciated! thank you!!

Liraz Siri's picture

The Hub shouldn't prevent you from backing up your instance just because it can't find the server ID. I'll ask Alon to take a look at this. In the meantime, you can just delete the server id on your server:
rm -f /var/lib/hubclient/server.conf
Benjamin Busche's picture

one thing i was able to do was associating my HUB API ID with the other one's server and did a tklbam-restore on it. that worked! after that i set the API ID back to the new Hub Account and also Backup works now.

so to sum it up; restore from other hub api = yes, back to other hub api = no (haven't tried deleting that server.conf yet)


thanks for your reply! much appreciated!

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