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Roger Essoh - Mon, 2011/11/21 - 08:59
I have rebooted my server through TKL Hub interface and since...I can't access to my website, idem to my webmin.
Seem like my server is blocked (or have not restarted...)
Please help !!
Thank you,
Were you using a FQDN or an IP?
Either way the IP may have changed. If you were using a FQDN you'll have to wait for the name to propagate to the new IP (not sure hwo long that'll take but may be a while). In the meantime you can use the IP. If you go to the server in the Hub you should see a public IP. You should be able to access your appliance via that.
Hi Jeremy, After
Hi Jeremy,
After investigation, I have identified the issue. The issue is coming from the Restore.
I have tried to restore using TKLBAM and got this message:
"Restoring duplicity archive from s3://
Local and Remote metadata are synchronized, no sync needed." Seems like the restoration is crashed somewhere and generated connection troubles...
To test, I have launched another server and launched the restore again...And again failed and unable to access the new server after that (even after several reboots)...
I have read some comments here about this known issue and the solution could be to increase the S3 capacity size. Is this is correct? Or do you have another solution?
Please help !
Issue with TKLBAM - Restore failed
Please help !!!
I'm facing issue with my restoration from TKLBAM...
What to do with this message? :
"Restoring duplicity archive from s3://
Local and Remote metadata are synchronized, no sync needed." ?????
My website is now down and I have users !!!
Thank you for your help !
My understanding is the issue you speak of was resolved
And the Hub was updated so that it now avoids the "restore files too big for /tmp" issue (which I am assuming you are referring to in your posts and is noted in an old thread here). There is a workaround mentioned here but as I say, AFAIK the fix has been implemented to the Hub so you shouldn't need to use it, especially not on a new server.
So you may need to do some troubleshooting. The core devs do read (and respond) to the forums but sometimes not regularly or in a timely fashion if they are deep in development. So it may be worth trying to contact the core devs via the Hub feedback feature (blue button on the left hand said when logged in). This will give you a 'hotline' to them and they may be able to assist?
And I guess I don't need to tell you this now, but even though TKLBAM is pretty damn fine, as always testing backups on a regular basis is the only way to ensure situations like this don't arise. Having a backup is only half of the answer. Knowing that it will work with some degree of certainty is the only way to be sure...
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