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Kefas - Tue, 2014/01/14 - 10:07
I use Redmine appliance and I want to use it in special offline mode (super secure private network with no-access to internet). I have problem with tklbam-backup. I tried tklbam-backup --dump=/tmp/myback , but this crashed because of this network error:
root@redmine ~# tklbam-backup --dump=/tmp/myback
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/bin/tklbam-backup", line 452, in <module>
File "/usr/bin/tklbam-backup", line 280, in main
registry.update_profile(hb, conf.force_profile)
File "/usr/lib/tklbam/", line 193, in update_profile
new_profile = hub_backups.get_new_profile(profile_id, profile_timestamp)
File "/usr/lib/tklbam/", line 200, in get_new_profile
response = self._api('GET', 'archive/timestamp/', attrs)
File "/usr/lib/tklbam/", line 177, in _api
return self.api.request(method, self.API_URL + uri, attrs, headers)
File "/usr/lib/tklbam/", line 126, in request
raise APIError(e.code,, e.description)
hub.APIError: error(6, "Couldn't resolve host ''")
Is there a way to use tklbam without internet access?
Thanx for answer - Petr alias Kefas
TBH I'm not sure...
AFAIK, even when using local storage TKLBAM still needs to download the appliance profile. I guess the reasoning for this is primarily so any issues can be addressed at the TKL end and automatically updated.
I'm sure that it would be possible but would involve a bit of hackery... I imagine that you'd need to download the profile and then host it on a dumby server (within your LAN). Otherwise, seeing as TKLBAM is open source, you could 'adjust' the code to act as you desire...
Offline use should be supported
Once you have a profile, the new version of TKLBAM will no longer require access to the Hub. Instead of issuing an exception it should be issuing a warning:
If you don't, can't or don't want to get a profile from the Hub you'll have to use TKLBAM in solo mode.
An excerpt from tklbam-init --help:
Good luck!
Thanks Liraz
Thanks for clarifying and correcting my vague ideas...! :)
BTW are the current appliance profiles available somewhere (e.g. GitHub)? Some may find them a useful template to create their own...?!
They should be on GitHub, if
They should be on GitHub, if not that's something that needs to be corrected.
Thanks (again) Liraz
Sorry I probably should have just had a look before i asked... Turns out they are indeed on GitHub... Suprisingly (sarcasm) they are in a repo called 'tklbam-profiles'.
It probably took me longer to type the question than it did to find it...!
Still does not work
and --force-profile=empty also ...
root@redmine /tmp# tklbam-backup --dump=/tmp/dump --force-profile=empty
Traceback (most recent call last):
root@redmine /tmp# tklbam-init --force-profile=empty
--solo in tklbam v1.4
Looks like you're using an old version of TKLBAM. What version of TurnKey are you using? If you're totally offline then maybe that prevented you from getting a newer version.
Find out which version of TKLBAM you have:
TKLBAM version
You need to upgrade to TKLBAM
You need to upgrade to TKLBAM 1.4 my friend. If you can't get the machine online you can download the tklbam package and its dependencies by hand from the website, transfer them offline and install them by hand:
You'll need to download the following custom packages:
It works :-)
I made update, started backup and get error because of FIXCLOCK. So I disabled "x" on fixclock script (chmod -x /etc/tklbam/hooks.d/fixclock) and everything is OK.
Now I am happy :-)
Thank you very much!
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