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Gooki - Wed, 2014/10/22 - 20:35
Hello Guys,
I'm considering moving to the Turnkey aws magento install but am wondering if all the prereq's are there for a multi domain magento setup. In our case it's a .ca and a .com running off the same backend magento installation.
Any ideas if this is possible and if so, stable, seperate SSL certs per domain, etc?
Thank you so much
Yes it should be possible...
But TBH I'm not sure how involved it will be. Essentially v13.0 TurnKey Magento is a Debian Wheezy based LAMP (Apache, MySQL & PHP) with upstream Magento installed on top. So I have no doubt that what you want to do would be possible but not sure how much will be involved. As TurnKey is free open source software, you could always download it and install as a VM and fiddle with the config (documenting as you go) and see how you go with it.
Be great to hear your progress on this one and if you would like to share your experience (and better still your documentation of the config) that'd be super awesome! :)
Ok, I'll try to recreate what
Ok, I'll try to recreate what I have set up now (albeit some of the settings are via plesk) but I'll see what can be done and will post my progress as I stumble through it. Cheers
If you have it already set up on Ubuntu/other Linux
Then perhaps it may be easier to just recreate your setup on TurnKey LAMP? Even if you are using Windows then it should still be somewhat similar...
Also TKLBAM should still backup your full Magento install & config and would probably be a neat way of migrating a test VM to a proper AWS instance - and a great opportunity to test your backup at the same time! :)
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