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I've been following instructions here
I've also read the page
As in the subject, my VM boot gets stuck at "Loading initial ramdisk" - see attached screenshot.
I downloaded (the VM build) & set the OS to Ubuntu (32 bit) as recommended above (along with other settings advised).
I've tried changing the OS to other than Ubuntu (32 bit) but made no difference.
I did see that the TurnKey page above says for OS Type “Note: select 64bit if you are using the amd64 build) as your operating system”. However all the OSs on list are marked 32 bit apart from one which I also tried.
Any help welcome.
Sorry for slow reply
If it still won't work try looking for the 'PAE" tickbox (somewhere in the VBox settings) and make sure that it's ticked!
Also if you want to test out a new ISO (that should be tons better) there is a v14.0RC1 iso on SourceForge
only just notified!
I'm not sure what's happened here but I only got email notification of an update to this query a few days ago - almost a year since the timestamp of the last posting!
Time has moved on & I'm not using Turnkey Linux any more. Who knows though I may want to sometime in the future...
Thanks for taking the time to reply anyhow.
Best wishes,
Hmmm, that's weird
Anyway, thanks for taking the time to post back. Good luck with all your endeavours and hopefully see you back another time! :)
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