Tom Loomis's picture

Recently changed default virtualization platform from Virtual Box to Hyper-V.   I have the above listed turnkey applicate which I would like to migrate.   Successfully converted the vmdx to vhdx.   On startup I get networking errors.   From research so far it looks like I need to use Hyper-V legacy network drivers.   I have also read some stuff about enabling Hyper-v modules in ubuntu (10.04) found here (  


My question is do I need both?  I can't seem to find instructions for the legacy driver aspect in Hyper-V anywhere.   I find a bunch of places that say change to legacy network drivers.   I only have 1 network option in the Hyper-V manager.   I have another windows VM on the same hyper-V host.


Thanks in advance


Jeremy Davis's picture

Sorry but I'm not going to be much help to you at all... Personally I have no experience with Hyper-V. The only virtualisation products I have direct experience with are VirtualBox, Proxmox (KVM & OpenVZ). I have a little experience with VMware products, but haven't used them for a long time... In my experience all of those just work OOTB...

Also there is no longer any support for TKL v11.x / Ubuntu 10.04 so migrating your data to a newer version would be the best way to go IMO. Other TurnKey users have stated that v13.0 (installed from ISO) runs on Hyper-V OOTB (although apparently in Server 2012+ only Windows OSes are supported in the latest VM type; to support Linux OSes you need to use the legacy VM type - or something like that...)

Tom Loomis's picture

Appreciate the input.   I had started thinking that way.   I had it running on virtual box for years.   Lost that server (2008 R2) and because it was not a virtualized server, windows image backup does not allow to restore to dissimilar hardware.   So I virtualized it this time with Hyper-V and have read that hyper-v and virtual box (and I would think any 2 virtualization platforms) don't play well together.  



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